Continuing Care

Throughout every stage of treatment PROMIS works with the patient to construct an individual Continued Recovery Plan which involves all stages of treatment from intervention through to aftercare.

Following successful detoxification the following PROMIS programmes may be appropriate. (This can be discussed with the individual's focal counsellor or any member of the PROMIS counselling team.)

    Primary Care & Rehabilitation Programmes, Kent.
    Secondary Care Programmes, London.
    Halfway House Service, London.
    1 Year Aftercare Programme, Kent & London.
Our research shows that the first year of recovery is the time when the patient is most vulnerable. Therefore, accessing the right treatment and receiving the correct help and support during this period is vital to a sustained recovery.
   Immediate help available 24 hours a day every day
Call now on +44 01304 841 700 or 0800 374 318
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